Yesterday, An Taisce made a second complaint regarding the proposed work at the National Museum[1]. This complaint was prompted by the digging of a foundation-pit for the proposed lift that is to be attached to the façade of the Protected Building. This pit was dug in the absence of either planning permission or an exemption.

On the 17th of October An Taisce drew the attention of the Planning Department of Dublin City Council to a proposed development at the National Museum on Kildare Street. This building is a high profile Protected Structure and yet there had been no planning permission granted, no exemptions granted, or indeed even any planning applications made.

On that very same day an application for a Declaration of Exemption was finally lodged with Dublin City Council by agents of the State.

Furthermore, imminent interior structural alterations have been flagged for 3 rooms in the National Museum. The structural alterations to these rooms will result in the loss of public amenities such as a Viking-themed audio-visual display. The Museum has no spare space for the ‘temporary’ convenience of vagrant Senators.

In a written reply to Tommy Broughan T.D., the Department of the Minister in charge of the OPW (the body responsible for public works) – Seán Canney T.D. – stated that the Department ‘has no function in the determination or management of the accommodation requirements of the Houses of The Oireachtas or of the National Museum of Ireland’. Well just who does? As of now no Government Department would seem to be taking responsibility.

Dr. Mark Clinton, of An Taisce’s Monuments & Antiquities Committee stated “Deputy Broughan has observed that there are ready-made alternatives available to the Senate within the grounds of the Oireachtas; for example, the LH2000 chamber or indeed the large Committee Room in Kildare House”.

Dr. Clinton continued “Why should an accommodation issue in Leinster House become a problem for the National Museum? What have the Senators got to say for themselves? Their silence is deafening.”


Charles Stanley-Smith, Communications, An Taisce. Tel: +353 87 241 1995
Dr. Mark Clinton, Monuments & Antiquities Committee, An Taisce. Tel: +353 1 832 2058
email: [email protected]
An Taisce The National Trust for Ireland


[1]An Taisce's letter to Dublin City Council

About An Taisce

An Taisce is a charity that works to preserve and protect Ireland's natural and built heritage. We are an independent charitable voice for the environment and for heritage issues. We are not a government body, semi-state or agency. Founded in 1948, we are one of Ireland’s oldest and largest environmental organisations.