Portland Row
Dublin 1


  • NIAH Ref: 50010082
  • Date: 1790 - 1800
  • Rating: National
  • Orig. Use: House
  • Townland: Portland Row
  • County: Dublin City
  • More Info: Click Here
  • Last Reviewed: July 2024

Criteria for Risk

  • Vacant with no identified new use
  • Current office development permission has not proceeded.


  • Condition of Structure: Good


This building has been vacant for a number of years. Significant roof repair work has been carried out and the building is now well secured. 

The last major Dublin Georgian Townhouse, second in size only to Leinster House was built from 1795 for the 2nd Earl of Aldborough. It was vacated circa 2000 and sold by the State. Two development proposals permitted have not proceeded. Major damage occurred to the roof valleys and gutters in 2010 with water saturation which seriously affected the integrity of the building. Effective roofing and remedial work has been carried out to secure the building.

In May 2018 planning permission was granted for the conversion of house into an office complex, despite criticism of the project by the Department of Heritage and conservation organisations. Reliance Investments Ltd plans to refurbish the 18th century Aldborough House on Portland Row for use as offices in addition to building two new five-storey “office wings” in its grounds.

Recommended Use

  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Educational

Photograph Credit: Kevin Duff