You can read An Taisce's Constitution here. Annual reports and accounts can be found here. 

An Taisce is a registered charity in Ireland. Our Registered Charity Number (RCN) is 20006358. You can read our profile on the Charities Regulator website.

An Taisce is governed by a board of directors with senior level experience from areas linked to our strategy including governance, finance, fundraising, and business management. We endeavour to adhere to the highest standards of governance.

We confirm that our organisation strives to comply with The Charity Regulators Governance Code for the Charitable Sector in Ireland. We review and report on compliance with the Code on an annual basis.

Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) in accordance with FRS 102 (effective January 2015) and the requirements of the Companies Act 2014.

Details of any lobbying activity we conduct is accessible via the official Lobbying Register. You can find our returns on their website.

Key Policies and Procedures

Governance Code Privacy Policy Code of Conduct & Complaints Procedure Conflict of Interest Policy

AGM Standing Orders

Default Local Association Standing Orders Standing Orders of the Council Social Media

Committee Terms of Reference

Below are links to the Terms of Reference for each of An Taisce's policy committees.

Climate Committee

Built Environment Committee Natural Environment Committee Properties Committee

Non-Political Affiliation

Our members are all ages and come from all walks of life. The one thing we have in common is our concern for the environment and a shared passion to protect nature and our natural heritage.

In accordance with the guidance note (Feb 2018) issued by the Charities Regulator under section 14 of the Charities Act 2009, An Taisce has a charitable purpose only. An Taisce engages in political activities or promotes a political cause only where that relates directly to the advancement of our charitable purpose. It does not endorse any political party or candidate.