We would very much like to hear from you. You can contact us by emailing [email protected], using the form below, or directly contacting the office you would like to reach.

If your query is related to planning or our advocacy and policy work please read our FAQs before getting in touch. If you don't find an answer there please email [email protected].

Main Office: 01 454 1786
Administration: [email protected]
Membership: [email protected]

Advocacy Unit

For any planning, natural environment (ecology, forestry, aquaculture), or heritage related questions, please contact [email protected].

Please note that we receive a high volume of queries and our resources are very limited. Therefore, An Taisce members are prioritised. Please include your member ID in any correspondence or consider becoming an An Taisce member here.

Education Unit: 01 400 2202
Green Schools: [email protected]
Clean Coasts: [email protected]
Climate Ambassadors: [email protected], [email protected] 
Green Campus:[email protected]
Neat Streets:[email protected]
National Spring Clean: [email protected] 
Green Flag for Parks: [email protected] 
LEAF: [email protected]
Young Reporters for the Environment: [email protected] 
GLOBE: [email protected] 

Complaints:  [email protected] 

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