An Taisce is running an online fundraising campaign to support the work of the National Cycling Coordinator (NCC).

For the last seven years, An Taisce has had a strategic partnership with - the Irish Cycling Advocacy Network in support of the NCC position. This part-time role was created following a successful funding application by to the European Cyclists’ Federation / ECF’s Leadership Programme. is the member for Ireland of the ECF. See here and also here for more information on the programme. 

Map showing cycling advocacy groups around Ireland

The NCC role is all about helping everyday cycling to grow, drawing on expertises from within An Taisce and One of the main challenges of the role is to help’s member groups link together and make decisions in a cohesive way and thus create a stronger campaigning force at a national level. In 2008, there were just seven member groups in - from Cork, Dublin, Galway, Limerick, Maynooth, Skerries and Waterford. As of October 2020, there are 25 member groups within the network, with further cycle campaigning (and greenway) groups now crystallising and looking to become part of the network. On this map, we show the cycling campaigning/advocacy groups on the island of Ireland with many of them member groups of The map is currently being developed and updated further. 

An Taisce and are now working to ensure that the NCC position can operate on a more permanent and full-time footing, so as to help build the network of campaign groups countrywide - and, ultimately, so that government funding can be leveraged to be spent on more high quality cycling infrastructure nationwide and so that more cycle friendly legislative interventions can be introduced. 

Any questions please contact Damien O'Tuama ([email protected]), the current National Cycling Coordinator.

Graphic design for the National Cycling Coordinator fundraiser, two people on bikes

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