Consultation on the Statement of Strategy (2017-2019) for the Dept. of Transport, Tourism & Sport An Taisce are pleased to note that the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport is currently preparing a new Statement of Strategy for 2017 – 2019. This key policy document will define the "strategic direction, high level goals and objectives" on which the Department will focus for that period and “It will also identify key performance indicators to help the Department monitor its progress and ensure that what is set out in the document is being delivered.” Since the previous strategy was adopted there is renewed imperative for decarbonisation and international leadership by Ireland on climate following the Paris Agreement 2015 and the passing of the Climate and Low Carbon Development Act 2015. An Taisce have outlined in their submission a broad range of actions for immediate implementation that can and need to be taken by the DTTS. Allowing continuation of current levels of car use, even if full e-car conversion were to be achieved in the next decade is unsustainable because of congestion, generation and inefficient resource and land use. An Taisce note that 'Smarter Travel-A New Transport Policy For Ireland 2009-2020', published by the DTTS, set out 49 actions for sustainable travel modes through the reduction of car dependency. It is now time that these progressive, low-carbon emission actions be implemented. Download the submission here. Manage Cookie Preferences