About membership

  • We are a membership-based charity featuring like-minded volunteers, local associations and committees. We encouraqe you to get as involved as you can with An Taisce

  • Through our world-class education programmes, through advocacy, campaigning and through our policy work An Taisce promotes environmental protection and responsible development

  • Know that we will put your membership fees to work in practical ways to protect some 6,890 acresof wonderful and unique landscape along with some 17 historic structures in 10 counties

  • Join us and protect Ireland's treasures with An Taisce -- The National Trust for Ireland

What to do next? 

To join as a member you can either pay a one off gift or set up a regular payment. 

Set up a regular payment  One off payment 

n.b the setting up a reg payment would direct users to the go cardless page and so the payment would not be taken through the platform and therefore not recognised in our reports, so  you would need to do all dd reporting through go cardless. Here's how to set up the page as above https://support.gocardless.com/hc/en-gb/articles/115002288745-Invite-or-add-customers-to-a-plan 

You can however capture members details through a form first. That then can link to either appeals... or this page depending on how you wish to do it.