Ireland's response to Marine Strategy Framework Directive not fit for purpose Ireland has a legal obligation under EU law to provide an effective and compliant strategy to (i) meet the obligations of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, (ii) to maintain the Good Environmental Status of the marine ecosystem, (iii) to apply the precautionary and polluter pays principles in achieving this, and (iv) to set out environmental targets and indicators to achieve and maintain the Good Environmental Status of the marine environment by 2020. The report published for this consultation by the Department of the Environment Community and Local Government, in association with the Department of Arts Heritage and Gaeltacht, Department of Agriculture and Food and the Marine, and Department of Transport Tourism and Sport is not fit for purpose. It significantly fails to meet the legal obligation under Article 11 of the Directive for environmental targets and associated indicators. Ireland, as one of Europe’s leading maritime countries and with a marine jurisdiction ten times the land area, should be setting an exemplary standard in the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. To read our submission in full click the following link. Download the submission here. Manage Cookie Preferences