Read An Taisce's full submission here.

The new Longford County Development Plan (hereafter referred to as the CDP, Draft CDP or Draft Plan) should represent a catalyst for positive change and facilitate the development of the county in a plan-led, sustainable manner. The CDP should strive to establish a coherent framework for the coordinated sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental development of the county in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

An Taisce's key objectives in making this submission on the Draft County Development Plan

  • Ensuring that the climate and biodiversity loss emergencies are addressed at all levels of planning and development;
  • Ensuring that national, regional and local policy and guidelines are implemented;
  • Reducing Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with EU law;
  • Protecting town centres, and counselling against unserviced development and sprawl;
  • Promoting compact development served by public transport in accordance with national Smarter Travel policy;
  • Promoting rapid and extensive shifts toward walking and cycling and away from private car use;
  • Reducing unsustainable fossil fuel use such as in heating buildings and in transport (e.g., private car dependency);
  • Ensuring the implementation of EU environmental law and protecting habitats and biodiversity, particularly Natura 2000 sites;
  • Protecting our water bodies and water quality, including through the prevention of inappropriate development;
  • Conserving the quality of the Irish landscape, archaeological monuments and built heritage, particularly protected structures;
  • Promoting efficient investment in public infrastructure and services; and,
  • Promoting local self-reliance, public health and quality of life.

We are pleased that many of these goals already form key parts of the Draft CDP.

Read An Taisce's full submission here.