Just as the Dáil rose for its summer recess, Minister of State for Agriculture Pippa Hackett announced a very short consultation over the traditional August holiday period, on the outline of the Draft Agriculture Appeals (Amendment) Bill 2020.

The Bill proposes amendments to the forestry appeals process, which would drastically reduce the ability of ordinary people and environmental NGOs to appeal any forestry decision with potential environmental impacts. The Bill proposes a number of significant amendments, curtailing which members of the public may take an appeal, and placing arbitrary and restrictive thresholds on which organisations qualify as environmental NGOs, in addition to introducing fees.

The proposed Bill is now open for public consultation. We urge you to make a submission outlining why you oppose these proposed changes to [email protected] by 28th of August 2020.

Check out our explainer here to help you with your submission.

Photo by Fintan Kelly