A microcosm of the Burren vegetation and landscape, including limestone pavement, fen, hazel woodlands and poolside vegetation

This property is located in the heart of the Burren National Park and bordering Lough Girraun, just north of Gortlecka. Ownership gives An Taisce important role in the development of the Burren National Park. This property is part of the internationally recognised Karst landscape of the Burren, created by prehistoric agricultural practise and maintained today by farming activity.

Area (in hectares): 15.46
Title Type: Freehold
Acquired from: Mr. William Hogan
Date acquired: 5th March 1980
An Taisce Local Association: Clare
Open all year
Admission free
Location: Gortlecka, Inchiquin, Co Clare
Entrance Longitude: 
Entrance Latitude: 