Meet An Taisce member and community grower, Caroline! 

Caroline lives in Kilflynn, Co. Kerry and shares a piece of land with two other households, growing a variety of vegetables and fruits. 

It has been a learning experience to say the least, she reveals. 

Early in the growing season, they were delayed by rabbits and a polytunnel that kept blowing away! They decided to leave the polytunnel until next year, but built a fence to keep the rabbits at bay. 

Though strawberies and tomatoes were lost as a result, the community has been successful in growing potatoes, courgettes, cabbages, turnips, corn, peas, and broccoli. 

The three households are learning by doing--and by googling questions like “When are potatoes ready?” and “Do rabbits eat everything?!” Community engagement has also been central to the process. Caroline’s uncle is a retired farmer, trading help, advice and resources for some cabbage. 

Overall, Caroline says it has been a great space to spend time working with nature and taking pleasure in simply seeing things grow. Watching the kids in the allotments gives the entire community real joy as well--nothing beats the sight of their wonder when they find a ripe courgette or pick pea pods. 

The group is already looking forward to the next season, thinking about the best way to fertilise the soil and what to grow for Christmas dinner. Further, they are hopeful that more people in the village will get involved next year. 

For more tips and articles on growing and composting, check out our Grow With Us page.

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